Mission de prospection économique 2023



In the context of the global food crisis, and the war in Ukraine which has led to the scarcity and high cost of wheat flour, it has become imperative to find other alternatives. Our company is therefore specialized in the transformation of tubers (cassava, potato) and cereals (corn, millet, etc.) into bread flour capable of replacing wheat flour perfectly. We are also the 2022 winner of the Pierre Castel Prize in Cameroon. Our objective is to meet business partners in order to develop our activity, acquire more skills, but also have financial and technical partnerships. We do not exclude the joint venture option

Products / Services

Transformation des tubercules et céréales en farines panifiables

Country of origin


Country participation

Casablanca (Morocco)
Cairo (Egypt)

Partnership interested in

Partnership agreement
Business projects development

Company size

Less than 10 employees, turnover between 50 000 and 150 000 euros

Company revenue

Between 50 000 and 150 000 €

Institution / company
