Mission de prospection économique 2023



Firstly, we want to find business partners to sell our coffee products, whether it is green Robusta coffee or ground or processed coffee. We also want to find outlets for cashew nuts. Secondly, we have a project to create large greenhouses for off-grid cultivation. We are looking for partners (joint venture, technical and/or financial) to help us carry out this project in Côte d'Ivoire. We know that these countries are very advanced in greenhouse cultivation techniques and we are looking for partners in order to do this.

Products / Services

Fèves de cacao; Café Robusta; Noix de cajou brutes; Amandes de cajou; Etude, suivi et évaluation de projets agricoles et conseil et encadrement de coopératives agricoles de producteurs; Mise en place de projets industriels de transformation de produits agricoles..

Country of origin

Côte d'Ivoire

Country participation

Casablanca (Morocco)
Cairo (Egypt)

Partnership interested in

Stake in the capital
Technology transfert or know-how
GIE or Consortium
Partnership agreement
Business projects development

Company size

Between 11 and 100 employees, turnover between 150 000 and 1.5 million euros

Company revenue

Between 150 000 and 1,5 million €

Institution / company
