Mission de prospection économique 2023



The Maesha Ferme Agricoles group wants to be the bearer and promise of a project to popularize the poultry sector in the Comoros, at the same time finding solutions for improving the sector. The Union of the Comoros needs a minimum annual production of 200,000 tons of chicken. The studies carried out and the steps envisaged are: to involve foreign and national companies in the implementation of an investment program, transfer of skills and technology in order to achieve this objective at the end of the next 5 years. This project consists of setting up a feed mill of adequate capacity whose raw materials must or will be imported for processing in the Comoros, followed by a high-performance production line and finally a line of slaughterhouses at the level of the 3 islands. These 3 levels of the project will have to be distributed and lead by different stakeholders and/or industrialists.

Products / Services


Country of origin


Country participation

Casablanca (Morocco)
Cairo (Egypt)

Partnership interested in

Local representation
Technology transfert or know-how
Partnership agreement
Business projects development

Company size

Less than 10 employees, turnover between 50 000 and 150 000 euros

Company revenue

Less than 50 000 €

Institution / company
