Mission de prospection économique 2023



(6-7 February 2023) 

Feb 6th


Feb 6th
8:00 - 8:30(host country time)

Welcome of the participants

Feb 6th
8:30 - 9:00(host country time)

Official opening

Master of Ceremonies: Ms Fatima AOUIDAT (OIF) Speeches : - Ambassador Hamdi Sanad LOZA, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Relations, Arab Republic of Egypt - Mr Geoffroi MONTPETIT, Administrator, International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF)
Feb 6th
9:00 - 9:30(host country time)

Conference to present the Egyptian economy

Moderator: Dr. Racha RAMADAN, Professor, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF Presentation of the Egyptian economy, trends, investment opportunities Speakers : - Mr. Waleed GAMAL-ELDIN, President, Suez Channel Authority - Mr. Khaled ABDELAZIM, Executive Director, Egyptian Chamber of Industry
Feb 6th

9h30 - 9h50 I Photo opportunity and coffee break

Feb 6th

Thematic workshops

Feb 6th
9:50 - 10:40(host country time)

Workshop 1: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in agribusiness

■ Presentation of the business climate and opportunities in the agri-food industries in Egypt for Francophone trade and investment. ■ Business and partnership opportunities in the agri-food sector in Greece/ Lebanon/ Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the Francophonie's economic and trade missions to these countries in 2023-2024. ■ Testimony of a company from a Francophone country on its business experience in Egypt and of a visiting company on its expectation in the Egyptian market. Moderator: Dr. Racha RAMADAN (Professor, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF) Speakers: ■ Dr. Tarek EL-HOOBI, President of the Food Security Authority ■ Mr. Periklis DAVANELOS, First Counsellor, Trade and Economic Affairs, Embassy of Greece ■ Mr. Mohamed Saleh SALEM, Member of the Board, Agro-food industry Chamber ■ Mrs. Honorine Takala KENGNE, President, Victoria Herschel Group (Cameroun)
Feb 6th
10:40 - 11:30(host country time)

Workshop 2: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in sustainable energy

- Presentation of the business climate in sustainable energy in Egypt and the sectors open to Francophone trade and investment. - Business and partnership opportunities in sustainable energy in Greece / Lebanon / Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the economic and trade missions of La Francophonie in these countries in 2023-2024. - Testimony of a company from a French-speaking country established in Egypt on its experience and of a visiting company on its expectations of the Egyptian market. Moderator: Mr Henri Eli MONCEAU, Director, OIF, Francophonie économique et numérique Speakers: - Mr Ahmed Amir SALAH, Egyptian Negotiator at COP27 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - Ms. Agnès GATIGNOL, Director, Exports, Europe, Africa and Middle East Markets, Investissement Québec International (Canada-Québec) -Dr. Mohamed EL-KHEYAT, President of the Renewable Energy Authority - Mr. René NTAKIRUTIMANA, MUNYAX ECO (Rwanda)
Feb 6th
11:30 - 12:20(host country time)

Workshop 3: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in digital goods and services

- Presentation of the business climate in the digital goods and services sector in Egypt and the areas open to Francophone trade and investment. - Business and partnership opportunities in the digital goods and services sector in Greece/Lebanon/Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the 2023-2024 Francophonie economic missions to these countries. - Testimony of a company from a French-speaking country established in Egypt on its experience and of a visiting company on its expectations of the Egyptian market. Moderator: Mr Levon AMIRJANYAN, IOF Representative for the Middle East Speakers: • M. Daniel ABBOUD, Director, TopCat Industries, Vice-President (Middle East), Francophone Employer’s Alliance (Liban) • M. Khaled SAIED, President, Chamber for Technology Industry • XCEED Company (Egypt) • M. Sameh ELMALLAH, PDG, Advanced Computer Technology (Egypt)
Feb 6th

12h30 - 14h00 I Business lunch offered by the OIF around theme-based tables

Feb 6th
14:00 - 17:30(host country time)

Business to business and company meetings

Feb 6th

18h00 - Reception by the OIF Communication and Presentations