Feb 6th
8:00 - 8:30(host country time)
Welcome of the participants
Feb 6th
8:30 - 9:00(host country time)
Official opening
Master of Ceremonies: Ms Fatima AOUIDAT (OIF)
Speeches :
- Ambassador Hamdi Sanad LOZA, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
African Relations, Arab Republic of Egypt
- Mr Geoffroi MONTPETIT, Administrator,
International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF)
Feb 6th
9:00 - 9:30(host country time)
Conference to present the Egyptian economy
Moderator: Dr. Racha RAMADAN, Professor, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF
Presentation of the Egyptian economy, trends, investment opportunities
Speakers :
- Mr. Waleed GAMAL-ELDIN, President, Suez Channel Authority
- Mr. Khaled ABDELAZIM, Executive Director, Egyptian Chamber of Industry
Feb 6th
9h30 - 9h50 I Photo opportunity and coffee break
Feb 6th
Thematic workshops
Feb 6th
9:50 - 10:40(host country time)
Workshop 1: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in agribusiness
■ Presentation of the business climate and opportunities in the agri-food industries in Egypt for Francophone trade and investment.
■ Business and partnership opportunities in the agri-food sector in Greece/ Lebanon/ Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the Francophonie's economic and trade missions to these countries in 2023-2024.
■ Testimony of a company from a Francophone country on its business experience in Egypt and of a visiting company on its expectation in the Egyptian market.
Moderator: Dr. Racha RAMADAN (Professor, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF)
■ Dr. Tarek EL-HOOBI, President of the Food Security Authority
■ Mr. Periklis DAVANELOS, First Counsellor, Trade and Economic Affairs, Embassy of Greece
■ Mr. Mohamed Saleh SALEM, Member of the Board, Agro-food industry Chamber
■ Mrs. Honorine Takala KENGNE, President, Victoria Herschel Group (Cameroun)
Feb 6th
10:40 - 11:30(host country time)
Workshop 2: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in sustainable energy
- Presentation of the business climate in sustainable energy in Egypt and the sectors open to Francophone trade and investment.
- Business and partnership opportunities in sustainable energy in Greece / Lebanon / Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the economic and trade missions of La Francophonie in these countries in 2023-2024.
- Testimony of a company from a French-speaking country established in Egypt on its experience and of a visiting company on its expectations of the Egyptian market.
Moderator: Mr Henri Eli MONCEAU, Director, OIF, Francophonie économique et numérique
- Mr Ahmed Amir SALAH, Egyptian Negotiator at COP27 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Ms. Agnès GATIGNOL, Director, Exports, Europe, Africa and Middle East Markets, Investissement Québec International (Canada-Québec)
-Dr. Mohamed EL-KHEYAT, President of the Renewable Energy Authority
Feb 6th
11:30 - 12:20(host country time)
Workshop 3: Challenges, opportunities and business partnerships in digital goods and services
- Presentation of the business climate in the digital goods and services sector in Egypt and the areas open to Francophone trade and investment.
- Business and partnership opportunities in the digital goods and services sector in Greece/Lebanon/Canada-Quebec, in anticipation of the 2023-2024 Francophonie economic missions to these countries.
- Testimony of a company from a French-speaking country established in Egypt on its experience and of a visiting company on its expectations of the Egyptian market.
Moderator: Mr Levon AMIRJANYAN, IOF Representative for the Middle East
• M. Daniel ABBOUD, Director, TopCat Industries, Vice-President (Middle East), Francophone Employer’s Alliance (Liban)
• M. Khaled SAIED, President, Chamber for Technology Industry
• XCEED Company (Egypt)
• M. Sameh ELMALLAH, PDG, Advanced Computer Technology (Egypt)
Feb 6th
12h30 - 14h00 I Business lunch offered by the OIF around theme-based tables
Feb 6th
14:00 - 17:30(host country time)
Business to business and company meetings
Feb 6th
18h00 - Reception by the OIF Communication and Presentations
Presentationof the event
The International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) is organising an economic prospection mission to Egypt and Morocco with two stops in Cairo and Casablanca from 6 to 9 February 2023. This mission is part of an approach to promote French-speaking countries as destinations for trade and investment in the agri-food, sustainable energy, digital goods and services sectors. It aims to intensify business partnerships between companies from the 88 member states and governments of the OIF.
All information you need to have a pleasant time during the event.