EABA established at the beginning of 2019- 2020 to be a leader In African business communities , As we know the economic life full of challenges and difficulties, in which details abound and goals and desires overlap, and with the many overlapping economic interests in the brown continent, a group of Egyptian businessmen’s decided to exploit the overlap of The economic goals and the abundance of details, to create a new and strong model for business and civil society organizations in the field of investment and economy, with a desire to serve the wheel of production, and to guide businessmen’s in Egypt and the African continent; To take strong steps without apprehension or fear of expansion. The founders derive their vision from Egypt’s direction and leadership towards supporting joint African and international work and cooperation that we have always dreamed of reaching, as the association took upon itself the task of uniting the efforts of the African private sector; To enhance its production capacity and move to a new stage of progress and modernity.
In the midst of this great entanglement, the association seeks to solve all the knots and light the way for the African business community, and aims to make a shift for the better in all its work, as it has a clear vision that emphasizes the value of public and community work, and serves the African economy as a whole, not individuals or specific groups. It is qualified for that through its highly experienced members in various sectors. We have a special community that accepts all experiences and ideas; To make our members feel proud of their presence in it, taking into account the priority of development and modernization; To serve the vision of the age, and to stand in the face of successive challenges, in order for everyone to benefit.
The association believes that the recommendations of the business community that is presented to the decision-making store must be supported by arguments and logic based on sound scientific studies and experiences. By elevating the African economy and enhancing its competitiveness, it interacts with developments and changes by unifying the visions of its members; to enhance the best solutions to the problems of the African economy.
Our vision to gather the members of the elite group; To represent all sects and sectors, as it attracted the association to put in place mechanisms for establishing the entity administratively and technically; This letter is raising funds for funding
Emphasizes achieving its goals, ensuring its goals are achieved, allowing reciprocity, good listening and listening to all through influence and technocrats, and emphasizing the combination of expertise and youth mentorship. woman; Ensuring effective societal representation that accommodates all, and achieves a leading position for Africa on the map of the world’s economies