Mission économique et commerciale en Méditerranée orientale


The Economic and Commercial Mission of the Francophonie in the Eastern Mediterranean (MEMO)

After three sessions in South-East Asia, Central Africa and North Africa, the OIF is organising a 4th mission to the Mediterranean region, in collaboration with Lebanon. This mission is an opportunity for economic operators to spend a few days in the two countries, discovering opportunities in the agro-industry, renewable energy and other sectors (digital, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and tourism), discussing business and networking with hundreds of local economic operators.

  • Beirut: 9-11 October 2023

This session will close the 2023 annual cycle of missions économiques et commerciales de la Francophonie , before starting the new cycle in 2024 that will take place in North America.

Mission économique et commerciale de la Francophonie Steps to follow to participate

Meet your future partners

By using the platform, you can connect with other entrepreneurs who are keen to forge partnerships and business cooperations.

The platform offers features that allow you to search for partners according to specific criteria, such as the size of the company, the type of partnership you are looking for (joint-venture, equity investment...) or the economic sector.

Surf regularly on the platform and exchange with other entrepreneurs because it is with a proactive attitude that you will be able to enlarge your network and your future clientele, discover new ideas, and diversify or deepen your activity!

A tutorial is available if you have any questions about using the platform.

Your contacts


Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

Direction de la Francophonie économique et numérique de l'OIF 
Number : +33144373396