Mission économique et commerciale en Méditerranée orientale

Lebanon Services


Lebanon Services is an organization based in Lebanon and is specialized in the employment and education sector. This organization was founded by Odai Aridi and Firas Aridi, two aspiring engineers from Lebanon. Lebanon Services is on a mission to reduce unemployment rates in Lebanon through linking Lebanese professionals to job opportunities and providing career services to help them land jobs and improve in their careers. Additionally, Lebanon Services offers support to university students in preparing them for the job market and also to companies through providing expert trainings. Our goal is to become the key player in reducing unemployment in Lebanon in the coming years. We are looking for funding or expansion opportunities in order help support our projects and ensure the continuity of our operations and to expand into new markets in the middle east and Africa. We are also interested in partnering with companies in order to provide them with quality candidates or expert trainings. OUR SERVICES 1- Employment Services 2- SME support and employee training 3- Career Advancement Services (Professional CVs, Linkedin optimization, Job Interview Trainings) 4- Diversification of Job Market by promoting Service, Task-based, Remote, and Freelance work opportunities 5- Providing Free Digital Platforms to Professionals to gain exposure and increase their employment chances OUR MISSION: Assist professionals in improving and advancing in their careers. Promote diversification in the job market. Support National and International SMEs OUR VISION: To become a key player in reducing unemployment rates and job market gaps in Lebanon

Economic Sectors

Digital goods and services

Type of organization



Less than 100,000 euros

Market(s) of the company

Middle East

Participation in the Francophone mission in the Eastern Mediterranean

Lebanon - Beirut



Site Internet


Number of employees