Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

VSEC Cybersecurity


My company was established with hacker mindset. We are experts in penetration testing with many CVEs and Certification. From an attacker viewpoint, we can know better the strengthen or weakness of an organization system. Through over 10 years in service and a leading company, we know how to protect the IT system in correct way with reasonable cost. Cybersecurity is not a costly portion in company balance sheet, it is an important driving force for your company. My company owned a significant result in business by: - over 30 CVEs (zero days) has been discovered - over 20 good reputation certification from Offensive Security - CREST certification in Penetration Testing and SOC

Type d'organisation


Site Internet


Nombre d’employé(e)s


Priorité 1

EXPORT - Recherche d’agents / distributeurs

Priorité 2

EXPORT - Recherche de clients directs

Priorité 3

AUTRE - Création de co-entreprise / partenaire industriel